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My Chatbot Life

Oct 28, 2019

You might not think traveling the world to exotic scuba diving locations would create success in business, but Rutger Thole, an expert bot builder and marketer has done just that. Listen to the full story of how his first trip led directly to his current bot building gig.

Oct 21, 2019

Mary Kathryn Johnson shares a solo episode with her recap of the most profitable takeaways from Conversations Conference 2019, and how you can use them to grow your business. She shares her thoughts on the importance of Conversational Design, and invites you to a live training on the MKJ Conversion Method that has...

Oct 14, 2019

Alison J. Prince shares her story from Math and Science Teacher eligible for food stamps to multiple multi-million dollar businesses, and how she continues to kick that imposter in the teeth every step of the way so she can help thousands of others do the same in their lives.

Oct 7, 2019

Antonio Thompson shares how he has grown to each success level in his business through phases of value he delivers, and the investment he makes in himself to gain the knowledge and experience to do so. Here is another conversation that proves the power of meeting in person at conferences.